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Donation Total: $100.00

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Donation Total: $100.00

About Us

The Pawse for Life Corp is an independent 501(c)3 nonprofit charity that raises money to support animal care programming. The Foundation supports many programs including, but not limited to, spay/neuter services, medical care for care center animals, Care vouchers to help pets stay with their families, disaster response for animals in danger, anti-cruelty programming, grooming to make care center animals more adoptable, animal behavior and enrichment programs, and more. Your donation is greatly appreciated to help enhance the care and outcomes for animals in animal care centers.
Greg B Carey
[email protected]
About Us

What We Do

The Pawse for Life Corp is an independent 501(c)3 nonprofit charity that raises money to support animal care programming. The Foundation supports many programs including, but not limited to, spay/neuter services, medical care for care center animals, Care vouchers to help pets stay with their families, disaster response for animals in danger, anti-cruelty programming, grooming to make care center animals more adoptable, animal behavior and enrichment programs, and more. Your donation is greatly appreciated to help enhance the care and outcomes for animals in animal care centers.

Greg B Carey
[email protected]

Our Goal

Our mission is to rescue, nurture, and find loving homes for pets in need, promoting compassion and responsible pet ownership. We raise money to support the animals. Since local government budgets are stretched among many public needs, we exist to leverage fundraising ability so the animals can thrive and move on to their forever homes

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Its Time to Take Action

Our Volunteers

With thousands of dogs and cats in shelters across the country hoping for their very own families, one of the most valuable gifts you can give is your time.

support our work

Our dogs, cats, rabbits, and other animals are in need of care, attention, walking, playing, socialization and engaging with people in order to help them find homes to go to.

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