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Donation Total: $100.00

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Donation Total: $100.00

Help Us Rescue Dogs and Cats from Death

We must rescue cats and dogs from unnecessary death in kill shelters through euthanasia.
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About Campaign

Every year, thousands of healthy and loving cats and dogs face unnecessary euthanasia in overcrowded kill shelters. Our mission is to provide these animals a second chance by rescuing them from imminent death, ensuring they receive proper medical care, rehabilitation, and a loving forever home. By supporting our campaign, you help us create a world where no animal is lost to a preventable fate. Together, we can save lives and bring joy to countless families.

Donation Details

Your support empowers us to achieve critical goals for animal rescue and care:

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Donation Form

We must rescue cats and dogs from unnecessary death in kill shelters through euthanasia.
$2,957 of $5,600 raised
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Donation Total: $100.00

Join Our Mission

Our dogs, cats, rabbits, and other animals are in need of care, attention, walking, playing, socialization and engaging with people in order to help them find homes to go to. You may choose to work with any or all of our animal populations. Volunteers are also needed to assist with other important roles such as: adoptions, kennels, greeting customers, photography, videography, playgroups, grooming, humane education, marketing, and some office tasks.
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